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Yellow-bellied Fairy Fantail , Thailand, Doi Inthanon, 5/2/23

Calidris Birding Tours

© Nick Upton

Yellow-bellied Fairy Fantail
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    'fb_og_description' => 'Yellow-bellied Fairy Fantail, Thailand, Doi Inthanon, 5/2/23',
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    'user_id' => '6921',
    'chapter_id' => '25',
    'creation_date' => '2023-07-10 22:43:04',
    'species' => 'Yellow-bellied Fairy Fantail',
    'country' => 'Thailand',
    'location' => 'Doi Inthanon',
    'photo_date' => '5/2/23',
    'caption' => 'Calidris Birding Tours',
    'imgname' => '20230710224304709.jpg',
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    'email' => '',
    'fullname' => 'Nick Upton',
    'display_email' => '1',
    'web' => 'http://',
    'biography' => 'I have been birding since I was 6 years old, travelling around the world aged 23 and settled in Thailand shortly after. I have been leading birding tours full time since 2008.',
    'professionality' => '0',
    'country' => 'UK/Thailand',
    'avatar_name' => '6921.jpg',