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Spotted Sandgrouse , Morocco, Sahara Desert, 02/12/2014

Gayuin Birding Tours - Morocco
Spotted Sandgrouse (Pterocles senegallus) at the edge of Sahara Desert of Morocco. If you wanna join us in our birdwatching tours over Morocco, you are very welcome!

© Brahim Mezane

Spotted Sandgrouse
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    'chapter_id' => '25',
    'creation_date' => '2014-12-03 16:46:29',
    'species' => 'Spotted Sandgrouse',
    'country' => 'Morocco',
    'location' => 'Sahara Desert',
    'photo_date' => '02/12/2014',
    'caption' => 'Gayuin Birding Tours - Morocco

Spotted Sandgrouse (Pterocles senegallus) at the edge of Sahara Desert of Morocco. If you wanna join us in our birdwatching tours over Morocco, you are very welcome!', 'imgname' => '20141203164629866.JPG', 'send_as_postcard' => '1', 'can_others_email_you' => '1', 'allow_copy' => '1', ), 'image_info' => false, 'user' => array ( 'email' => '', 'fullname' => 'Brahim Mezane', 'display_email' => '0', 'web' => '', 'biography' => 'I was born in the sahara desert of Morocco in 1986, having a Berber father and mother. I have been an enthusiastic birder since I was 15 years old and have been bird watching all over Morocco. I have been working a several years of guiding for other companies and have led many very successful tours to all over Morocco. In 2013 I created a bird guide company in Morocco called Gayuin Birding Tours to be able to offer my own tours and activities. I speak English, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic and Berber.', 'professionality' => '0', 'country' => 'Morocco', 'avatar_name' => '6408.jpg', ), )