Surfbirds Share A Photo

Tawny owl , UK, Lincolnshire, 2021

© Dean Eades

Tawny owl
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    'id' => '158299',
    'user_id' => '923',
    'chapter_id' => '21',
    'creation_date' => '2021-04-30 11:08:07',
    'species' => 'Tawny owl',
    'country' => 'UK',
    'location' => 'Lincolnshire',
    'photo_date' => '2021',
    'caption' => '',
    'imgname' => '20210430110807330.JPG',
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  'user' => 
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    'email' => '',
    'fullname' => 'Dean Eades',
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    'web' => '',
    'biography' => ' 
Dean Eades Wildlife Photography 
Photography tips 
One to One Wildlife Photography Workshops 
Tour all around the UK transport included in the day out
Are you interested in learning some of the skills needed to become a wildlife photographer
Would you like to pick up field skills that you can use to take better images of British wildlife
Marco and Extreme Close-Up Photography

With subjects from butterflies to insects and reptiles
One to One Wildlife Photography Workshops are suitable for all levels, from complete beginners to experienced photographers
With everything from the basics up to more advanced techniques   available, participants are asked to provide a brief list of exactly   what they want to learn as ultimately, the sole purpose is for you to   gain maximum benefit from your day. Topics covered include:
Aperture, Shutter, ISO and manual modes explained

Dean is one of the administrators for the Lincolnshire Bird Club forum, and provides the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust with many of his images. He has also been a warden for the Trust when needed. His work has appeared on the BBC and ITV, as well as being published in books and several magazines, Canon CPS Level 1 Ptatinum member 
                Dean also does some work for  Canon & London Camera Exchange   Dyson Farming',
    'professionality' => '1',
    'country' => 'Lincolnshire ',
    'avatar_name' => '923.jpg',