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Grey-breasted Babbler , Sabah, Malaysia, Oct 2nd, 2017

more photos from this tour
Restricted to ever shrinking peat swamp forest. We had great views here again of a rather vocal pair.

© Mike Nelson Birdtour Asia

Grey-breasted Babbler
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    'chapter_id' => '16',
    'creation_date' => '2017-10-18 01:24:30',
    'species' => 'Grey-breasted Babbler',
    'country' => 'Sabah',
    'location' => 'Malaysia',
    'photo_date' => 'Oct 2nd, 2017',
    'caption' => 'more photos from this tour

Restricted to ever shrinking peat swamp forest. We had great views here again of a rather vocal pair.', 'imgname' => '20171018012430084.jpg', 'send_as_postcard' => '1', 'can_others_email_you' => '1', 'allow_copy' => '1', ), 'image_info' => false, 'user' => array ( 'email' => '', 'fullname' => 'Mike Nelson Birdtour Asia', 'display_email' => '1', 'web' => '', 'biography' => 'I have been interested in birds since I was six, since then I\'ve birded on and off around the world but only seriously since 1997 when I could afford to travel farther than my back yard. Several trips to Central and South American, North, East, South and West Africa, South Central and Southeast Asia and Europe. I am currently a guide for Birdtour Asia.', 'professionality' => '0', 'country' => 'USA', 'avatar_name' => '6612.jpg', ), )