Surfbirds Share A Photo

Tawny Owl , Cheshire, Cholmondeley Estate, 06/12/2012

© Ashley Powell

Tawny Owl
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    'fb_og_description' => 'Tawny Owl, Cheshire, Cholmondeley Estate, 06/12/2012',
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    'id' => '111640',
    'user_id' => '5346',
    'chapter_id' => '21',
    'creation_date' => '2012-12-06 13:46:59',
    'species' => 'Tawny Owl',
    'country' => 'Cheshire',
    'location' => 'Cholmondeley Estate',
    'photo_date' => '06/12/2012',
    'caption' => '',
    'imgname' => '20121206134659015.jpg',
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  'user' => 
  array (
    'email' => '',
    'fullname' => 'Ashley Powell',
    'display_email' => '1',
    'web' => '',
    'biography' => 'A love of wildlife and especially birds seems to have always been with me. From as long as I can remember I have spent all my spare time bird watching anywhere anyone would take me. My first experience of working with birds was as a teenager when I volunteered at both Sandwich Bay and Fairs Isle Bird Observatories.

Following high school, I entered higher education at Reaseheath Agricultural College where I completed a Diploma in Countryside Management followed by a degree in Wildlife Conservation from the University of Kent at Canterbury, studying in the Durrel Institute for Conservation Ecology. My final year dissertation was a study on the feeding and behavioural ecology of Sanderling on a nationally important wintering site. I successfully graduated in July 2008.

In late 2008 I enrolled on an Environmental Consultancy Masters Degree course at the University of Plymouth. After the first 6 months of lecture study, I worked as the species protection officer for the RSPB\'s Cornish Chough Project whilst writing my dissertation. My dissertation was a collaboration between the University of Plymouth and the RSPB reviewing the Cirl Bunting re-introduction success in Cornwall.

I have birded extensively in the UK, Europe and USA (California) in the last 15 years, as well as working at some of the UK\'s frontier ornithological venues. Out of all the work I have done, sharing my passion and helping other people to experience the things I enjoy so much, has always been the most rewarding aspect.',
    'professionality' => '0',
    'country' => 'UK / Spain',
    'avatar_name' => '5346.JPG',