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American Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erytrogaster), 1st winter , Azores, Over the High Middle Fields, Corvo, October 12, 2012

more photos here
Find by Dominic Mitchell and refound by PAC in Middle Fields. No dark band breast and orange tone in it, Buff body sugjesting the american ssp

© Vincent Legrand

American Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erytrogaster), 1st winter
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    'creation_date' => '2012-10-12 18:09:14',
    'species' => 'American Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica erytrogaster), 1st winter',
    'country' => 'Azores',
    'location' => 'Over the High Middle Fields, Corvo',
    'photo_date' => 'October 12, 2012',
    'caption' => 'more photos here

Find by Dominic Mitchell and refound by PAC in Middle Fields. No dark band breast and orange tone in it, Buff body sugjesting the american ssp', 'imgname' => '20121012180914398.jpg', 'send_as_postcard' => '1', 'can_others_email_you' => '1', 'allow_copy' => '1', ), 'image_info' => false, 'user' => array ( 'email' => '', 'fullname' => 'Vincent Legrand', 'display_email' => '1', 'web' => '', 'biography' => '', 'professionality' => '0', 'country' => 'Belgium', 'avatar_name' => '2259.jpg', ), )